If you make this edit, please understand that you should either pay Cryout Creations $25 for support (and CC’s removal of their part of this “Powered By WordPress” footer segment), or please insert authoring credit for Cryout Creations elsewhere on your website for their development of this Septera theme.
First, on you website, locate the core.php file in the path wp-content/themes/septera/includes/
Next, create a backup of the original core.php file by copying this file to a location outside your website. Then, come back and make your changes to the core.php file that is live online from your website. Understand that If you do not self-host your website on you own server, thus having direct access to the server file system and this core.php file, then you will likely need to access it via ftp to make a backup, perform the edit, and overwrite the original online file with your edited file.
You can edit the core.php file using a good text editor, such as the Notepad++ editor. In core.php first locate the Footer Hook section from lines 235 to 248. Insert //Rem at the beginning of those certain 4 lines (to disable them) as shown below:
* Footer Hook
add_action( ‘cryout_master_footer_hook’, ‘septera_master_footer’ );
function septera_master_footer() {
$septera_theme = wp_get_theme();
do_action( ‘cryout_footer_hook’ );
echo ‘<div id=”footer-separator”></div>’;
echo ‘<div id=”site-copyright”>’ . wp_kses_post( cryout_get_option( ‘septera_copyright’ ) ) . ‘</div>’;
//REM echo ‘<div style=”display:block;float:right;clear: right;font-size: .85em;font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase;”>’ . __( “Powered by”, “septera” ) .
//REM ‘<a target=”_blank” href=”‘ . esc_html( $septera_theme->get( ‘ThemeURI’ ) ) . ‘” title=”‘;
//REM echo ‘Septera WordPress Theme by ‘ . ‘Cryout Creations”> ‘ . ‘Septera’ .'</a> & <a target=”_blank” href=”‘ . “http://wordpress.org/”;
//REM echo ‘” title=”‘ . __( “Semantic Personal Publishing Platform”, “septera”) . ‘”> ‘ . sprintf( ” %s.”, “WordPress” ) . ‘</a></div>’;
Click to expand the following screen capture image to see what this section looks like from within the Notepad++ editor.

I tried using a child theme to make this change, but I was having some problems making it work. This may have something to do with the priority of functions loading (i.e. the order in which functions are loading) between the child and parent themes. I changed some priorities in the add_actions and do_action of the child theme, but to no avail. Let me know if you figure it out. Send comments. sheldon @ sheldonsblog.com.
Alternative way to make the same change. You could also edit the core.php theme file from within the WordPress administrative dashboard. On the dashboard menu, point at “Appearance” and select “Editor.” Scroll down the file list on the right side of the editor page and select “core.php.” //REM out the same 4 lines in the footer hook section as shown in the following screen image. And click the update save button to save your changes.